Tuesday 19 November 2013

More random creative writing

I am not going to worry about punctuation and spelling and things like that.

BTW the letter here is the kind you see in a book, not the kind you post.

You don't know what it's like to be a letter. You carry on typing and phoning and eating salad or whatever you're doing and you look at us for ages, but still you don't know what it's like to be like us. You don't know what it's like to be us. I'm a letter, an a. Or I was. I'm not really sure what I am now. You, see, the a key was pressed by one of those typing fingers. I don't know why I'm an a or what being an a means exactly but thats what I am. So there I was on the screen, after I'd been typed. And then I wasn;t me. Light travel faster that a gazelle can run. You should check up that fact but I know  that it's true already so I don't need to check it. Anyway, look at your computer screen. The light of it, the thing that lights up the screen is being replaced so so quickly you don't notice it's happening. But the letters you're seeing no are not the same letters that were there half a second ago, becaue the light that's showing them is being changed faster than - yes, than a gazelle. So anyway, there I am one minute, and then I'm not there the next because another bit of lght replaced me. I don't really know where I am right now, what I'm doing. But if I've been replaced, then I shouldn't be here so that's strange. that's really really weird. So as I was saying,  there are tons of bits of light that keep being used to show this letter a but they're all just fading so fast, and if you slowed your vision dowwn you'd see your computer screen filckering. But you don't so you don't notcie how many bits of light are being used. I know I said I'm a letter a but maybe really im just a bit of light - that isn't a bit of light any more because some more light has come to replace it. So maybe I'm just a bit of space or something. Whatever. Well, lets take a look at me as an a, not light. Say I'm an a, or rather, say all those bits of light that are replacing eache other so fast are all put together an given a mind, and call that mind the a. Or rather, pretend I am that a. Well, being an a, sometimes you get deleted. oNe of those fingers presses delete, and bam, you're gone. Then sometimes they rewrite the a, but it isn't the same a anymore, it's some other a, same font and format, yes, but the point is, all those bits of light that kept replacing each other, well. Well... there was a long gap between one bit of light and the other. Because someone pressed delete, which prevented more light from forming. and there was no a for a while. then they pressed it and voila, it being the a key, and voila, there was another a made from totally different bits of light. so when you press delete to delete any letter, not just a, and then replace it again - it's not the same a. Okay, right now I'm wondering what exactly i am. If im not light anymore and I'm not a letter a (we have stopped pretending that I am an a, I am a bi of light that was used to keep that a going now). So, yeah. am I space?? What is the chemical reaciton when light stops being light and it gets turned off and it's dissolved? Huh? that's probably what I am. Whatever that is. You don't know what its like to be a letter. you carry on typing and phoning and eating salad or whatever you're doing and you look at us for ages, but still you don't know what it's like to be like us. 

Okay, I know that was REALLY weird and stuff! And I know the spelling and punctuation are all over the place and the colour is like bleugh - but it would just spoil it to edit so I'm not going to do that. BTW it took me about 18 mins to write this (I don't know why I why I wrote how long it took me - it's not particularly short or long so whatever!)

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