Friday 22 November 2013

Ciao people!

What's up? How are you? I'm good - well, ok. But what is starting to annoy (Or rather, frustrate) me now is that I keep forgetting or not having the time to do things that I want to do/ be good at. It's got so bad that I've had to actually write down the things that I want to do regularly (Play guitar, read National Geographic, play drums, read history, etc.) and even now that I've written them down, I still don't really have time to do them. Also, our house is quite small so there isn't that much space to put things/ do things. For example, the only place I can do art without getting in anyone's way or cluttering the house too much, is on the living room table. And the problem with that is when I do my art, I don't like doing it all in one go (Also I can't really do it all in one go because I have to have dinner and things) so I leave my art on the table for a while before going back to it. Then, no-one can use the table until I get my art off it, and if I get my art stuff off it then I have to find another place for it, and then I have to set it up again later. So you see why it is hard to do lots of different things in one day. I'll probably need to take a few things off my list, or put some things aside to do another week. I will keep trying! 

Okay, bye! Have a good day.

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