Friday 18 October 2013

Update on swimming classes

Ciao! Okay, so I'm guessing you are wondering about how my swimming classes are going, after I've told you about how they freak me out. Fine, I know you're not wondering. But I am going to tell you anyway so sit here and listen. I mean stay on this page and read.

Right. I have had a history of spending almost my whole week worrying about my swimming class. And when my class is over, feeling happy for a day or two about that, and realising that the next class is closer to today than it was before. I've been to quite a few swimming classes in my life, and that always happens. I used to think that ALL swimming teachers were horrible, but my last one nearly made me faint because she was so nice. The problem was that she tired us all out, too; we had to swim endless lengths. Fine, they weren't endless, but they were pretty tiring. They helped my swimming greatly, though.

Here's what worries me about swimming classes:

1. Shouty teachers
2. Cold water
3. Getting water up my nose
4. Not being able to breathe
5. Getting tired out!
6. Not being able to do things that the other people in my class can do
7. Diving
8. Not wearing many clothes - it's cold, and there's something about it that makes one feel vulnerable
9. Being lower than the teacher (You're in the pool; they're standing by he edge.)

This swimming class turned out to be okay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I admit that that row of exclamation marks was grammatically incorrect but it really gets across my point: I was surprised, and happy, and relieved.

I was worried before that my previous swimming teacher (The nice one) was the only exception to the rule that all swimming teachers are horrible. But what if there is no rule? My current teacher isn't smiling every second of the day, but he smiles quite a bit, and he isn't horrible, and he doesn't make tire you out!

I hope it will still be like that next week at my class...

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