Tuesday 10 July 2012

Henrietta Branford Prize giving ceremony

In an earlier post, I mentioned that I was going to receive my prize for a writing competition that I'd entered. I went for the Henrietta Branford prize-giving party yesterday. It was in the same place as the Branford Boase Awards ceremony. The Branford Boase competition is a writing competition for first time authors of young-adult books, and the Henrietta Branford competition is run alongside it.

We were in a real hurry before we left the house. I wanted to wear nail polish, but there wasn't time to put any on, so I decided to take the bottle of nail polish on the tube with me. On the tube, my mum tried to put the nail polish on me. She managed my first and second finger, but the nail polish got all smudged because the train was moving. She had to stop applying the nail polish. I was really worried that everybody would see, and I hadn't brought along any nail polish remover, so I had to borrow a tissue from my dad to try get it off. I couldn't get it all off properly, so I just went to the Awards with it on. I must've looked pretty weird going round with only two fingers with black nail polish on them

As we walked in to the hall where the ceremony was taking place, we were greeted by Anne Marley, the person who organised the competition. She told me briefly about what was going to be happening, and introduced me to Jacqueline Wilson.

For the first few minutes, we all walked around, chatting and eating tasty canapes, and drinking Coke. There were people who walked round with trays, offering us fancy snacks. One of the snacks we had was little pieces of haloumi (my favourite) dipped in tomato salsa. We also had chicken with a sticky sauce, and duck pancakes. As well as that, we were offered these little fairy cakes with rainbow icing and sugar butterflies. Everything was delicious. We managed to get a few books signed by Jacqueline Wilson, too. She was really nice, and we had our photographs taken with her.

Later on, I was called up to the front of a platform with the other winners to receive the books that I had won, and to have my photo taken with Jacqueline Wilson. I was so nervous when my name was called out, but I remembered to smile. The books that I had won had all been shortlisted for the Branford Boase award, and the authors of those books were at the ceremony.

After I had received my prize, the winner of the adult competition was announced. Her name is Annabel Pitcher.  Her book is called,"My Sister Lives On The Mantlepiece. I've read her book already, when I was going to a book club at my local library and I did a review of it, but I'm going to read it again, because it was really good. I got the book signed by the author, and chatted with her briefly, and then my mum and I went to look for the other  authors because I wanted them to sign my books too! They were all friendly and kind, and most of them chatted to me and encouraged me to keep writing. I'm looking forward to reading their books.

Some of the adults did speeches. They weren't at all boring, and I quite enjoyed listening to them.

When we were leaving, Jacqueline Wilson said,"Good bye, Jamila. Well done. I was so excited that she remembered my name.
Me with the other winners and Jacqueline Wilson

Getting an autographed copy of Jacqueline's book

Taking a cup-cake while Phil Earle signs a copy of his book for me.

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