Friday 21 February 2014

Why I didn't enter a Lucozade competition

I bought a bottle of Lucozade and was excited to see that on the bottle there was some kind of competition. I wanted to enter, and apparently you needed a code from the bottle so I peeled off the label to find it.

Then, obviously, I went onto their website to enter the code. Next, I had to enter my e-mail address - that was fine; they needed to email me to let me know if I'd won! After that I had to, "Confirm e-mail address," still fine. I clicked, "Next." But then, a whole list of other information that you had to give them appeared on the screen: title (miss, mr, mrs etc.) telephone number, first name, surname, gender, date of birth, what Lucozade flavour you bought and finally the, "Verification code," to make sure you're not a robot. Typical. They'd obviously made it appear after the e-mail address on purpose, so you wouldn't be put off by the long, "Form," you'd have to fill in. But, because you'd entered your e-mail address, you'd think, "I've already entered my e-mail address, I might as well carry on." Clever, but really irritating. Then, of course it refused to let me enter because I'm under sixteen. I'm not angry about that, because it had said that on the bottle (In small print though) and I had forgotten - that's why I'd tried to enter. At the bottom of the page were these two tiny tick boxes:

a) I agree to receive exciting news and offers via email from Lucozade and the Lucozade Shop.
b) I have read and accept Lucozade's Terms of use and Privacy policy*

*These bits are required.

So basically, it was all to get your e-mail address so they can send you adverts. I should have expected that, and I'm sure it's not just Lucozade who do that, it's most other companies too.

In case you want to enter the competition, here's my code: AHU F2M H9S

I won't be entering it.

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