Thursday 27 February 2014

Poffertjes - Part 2

Since we enjoyed our stall-bought poffertjes so much, my sister and I decided to make some at home. My dad had to find a recipe for us, since most of them required buckwheat flour and yeast, which we didn't have. In the end he found one that seemed similar to normal pancakes except it was thicker, the kind that forms bubbles and of course you needed the special mold.

Since we didn't have the mold-pan, my dad got out this really old kuih chara pan from the cupboard, which was egg-shaped, but worked anyway. We didn't fill it to the top since poffertjes are smaller than kuih chara.

The result was a lot like the real thing, but only when we kept the poffertjes small. They were maybe a bit more dense than the stall-bought ones, but tasty all the same. I think the best sweet topping for them is butter + icing sugar (Those are the essentials for all sweet poffs) + nutella + fruit. You need at least one fruit otherwise the nutella is just too sweet and smothers the other flavours. I haven't yet tried savoury poffs.

Though I haven't tried it, I'm pretty sure you can make poffertjes with a normal frying pan. They'll be a little flat, but they'll probably taste the same. And the bubbles will make them puff up anyway.

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