Monday 9 September 2013

My breakfast

This morning for breakfast I had bread. Sound unusual? Well, the bread part wasn't. In fact, the whole sandwich wasn't unusual, but it was very yummy. It was inspired by yesterday's lunch that I made for myself, which was inspired by Subway

, the most scrumptious sandwich shop in the world! So, getting on with the ACTUAL sandwich filling, this is how I did it: I toasted two slices of bread, and spread margarine on them. Next, I sliced cheese and put that on the toast, and then put the toast in the oven on a tray. I remembered to turn the oven on, so the cheese melted. Yay!! Okay, then I cut up some tomatoes, lettuce and (If I was Italian I'd pronounce lettuce, "Le-tu-ch-eh") cucumber. When I took the toast out of the oven, I put the salad on it, and squeezed on the magic ingredient: Mayonnaise!! Then I put the slices together, and I had an awesome sandwich!!

Usually for breakfast I have toast with jam; sometimes I have cereal. My dad recently bought me some, "Krave" cereal, and I've been having that lately. Sometimes for breakfast I have leftovers from another day, but that's very rare; I don't like having heavy meals in the morning. But whatever I eat - and I mean WHATEVER - I always have tea. I love tea. 95 percent of the time I have Rooibos. Rooibos is a South African tea, most commonly known in England as, "Redbush." It doesn't contain any caffeine. I don't just have Rooibos tea for breakfast, I usually have about four times a day but lately I've just been having it twice a day.

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