Monday 18 March 2013

Amsterdam and cannabis lollipops

Ok, I'm just gonna  very briefly say a few things about my trip to Amserdam:

I arrived back From Amsterdam, in The Netherlands, a few weeks ago. My dad didn't come on the holiday with my mother, my sister and I because he had a lot of work to catch up with, but that didn't really take away the excitement of the trip.

Did you know that drugs are legal in The Netherlands? They seriously are! I was so surprised when I found out - not pleasantly, though :-) The drug shops that were there weren't small hidden away places, either, and there were quite a few of them. In some of the drug shops, you could actually smoke them there. Those ones branded themselves as, "Coffee shops." The other ones were called, "Magic Mushroom" shops. I went into one of them (Not to buy anything), and saw that it was mostly selling sachets of drugs. They all had these short descriptions describing their "good" properties. There were some cannabis lollipops too.

We did more in Amsterdam that observe drug shops. Our hosts took us to see lots of markets - and I love markets. They all sold such a wide range of things. I took tons of photos, but I also bought some things:

- A one euro scarf
- Some squid rings fried in batter with sauce
- A pendant
- A dress/ shirt

Not once in Amsterdam did we visit a museum, but I think that's one of the things that made our trip special; there wasn't the stress of having to see this and that, buying tickets and waking up early enough to avoid long queues. We got to really explore the streets and shops, and have relaxed time. However, I'm definitely not saying I never want to go to a museum while I'm on holiday.

This post is longer than I wanted it to be :-(

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