Friday 26 October 2012

Voluntary work in charity shop, second week (2)

On my second week of doing voluntary work in a charity shop, I looked for more hangers on the rails, and my mother and I tidied up the bookshelf. We threw out the really boring books, and changed prices of things. We also put the books on different parts of the shelves according to what kind of book they were, and I tidied up the 50p basket while my mother put more books into it. There were some new books that had come in, and we put those up on the shelves and priced them. It took longer than I thought, but it was still fun doing it. Also, while I was tidying one of the shelves, I came across two American magazines from the year 1965. They were called "Woman's day" and had some adverts inside for products that you don't get very much these days. Mum bought them both for me, and I'm going to photocopy them for my art journal.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to going to the charity shop again next Monday (Not just because I want to get more old magazines). I really like helping out there because the lady is nice to chat to, and because it's really satisfying when I finish a job and everything's tidy. 

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