Monday 19 December 2011


Sometime in early December, my parents took me to a ballet called "The Nutcracker" at the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden.

Before the show started, we did dressing-up. I expeced it to be really boring but it was actually fun because there was a wider selection of clothes than I thought and they were actual ones that were once used during the performances there. I tried on a dress and crown that would have been worn by the person who acted as Juliet in "Romeo and Juliet" and I also put on a forest fairy dress. There was also a really big turban and a weird sparkly top that was quite modern compared to the other things there.

There were so many people watching that day, nearly 2000! It was the first performance of the season.

We'd read the story of the Nutcracker before so we could follow the story more easily. The special effects were amazing and I covered my eyes in the intermission because that was when they showed how the effects were done and I didn't want to spoil it for myself.  The music that played was beautiful because there were children too in some parts. I saw the orchestra playing on level below the stage.

The highlight of the show were the characters that looked like snow fairies dancing in the woods. When they came onto the stage there was stuff floating on the ground that looked like clouds and they made the scene look even more magical.

After the play we went to a cafe called the Poetry Cafe in Covent Garden and my mum said she used to go there a lot before I was born. We then went to a place called Maoz that mum and dad used to go to a lot before Mum boycotted Israeli goods. She broke her rules that night and let us eat there.

When we got home we went straight to bed because it was really late and we were all tired.

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