Saturday 1 October 2011

Camping with my class

This week I went to school every day, even on my work-at-home-days because on Thursday and Friday I had a camping trip to Debden House in Epping. From the beginning of the week, most of the girls were already deciding who they were going to share the tent with. I didn't. I knew it would just lead to arguments and it did.

Even though it's autumn, we were lucky to have amazing weather. We were told that the walk from the tube station to the forest was 20 minutes. It felt like 40 to me, because we carried heavy rucksacks in the sweltering sun. My friend A helped me carry my lunch box. My teacher B was really good at encouraging us to keep moving (he must have a lot of experience with people complaning;D

When we there I ended up sharing a tent with A, T, M and P. I did enjoy being with them but there were many small things that M did to upset me and A. We sorted one of the main things out without any grown-ups involved but M carried on not being nice in lots of little ways throughout the trip, and I would definitely not like to share a tent with her again.

People in my tent complained about the tent size and mold on the roof, but it seemed ok to me. People were not enthusiastic about the trip, like people at Scouts normally are. Maybe they were forced to come because it was a school trip, unlike at Scouts where we choose to camp so we all really want to be there.

My teacher was really cruel about not letting us go to the toilets. My friends needed it badly but he wouldn't allow it. Luckily he let them go later. Unfortunately my friends needed it again but they managed to hold it until the teachers had gone to sleep and we all did it behind the tents.

The highlight for me was the game where we had to look for little pieces of paper with numbers and symbols on them. I had camped at Epping before and it was frustrating for me that I couldn't go off for walks in the woods whenever I wanted. I understand why though. If I was in charge of 60 kids I wouldn't allow them to go into the woods.

We kept waking up and falling asleep during the night. I fell asleep on the train on the way back and a friend had to wake me up. I was exhausted and still went to Book Club, but I was pleased I went to the Book Club (and also to the camp). I think I have come down with cold and my friend A did too.

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