Sunday 5 January 2014

Happy new year everyone!

New year came fast this year. Really fast. I didn't really 
realise that it would be 2014 soon until Christmas. In fact, 
Christmas came as a surprise because I was still getting out of
the, "Rome mood" and because... well, I hadn't really been looking forward to Christmas - not because I don't like like it but just cus I don't generally tend to get so excited about it. So anyway, I was really surprised when it was just three days to go before 2014. Not really pleasantly surprised though because I felt a bit like 2013 went too quickly. There were projects I wanted to have finished earlier than I did. And things I wanted to have done before the new year. It feels like only a few months ago that 2013 began. And (Yes I know this makes me sound like an idiot but trust me I am not an idiot,) just as I got the hang of writing, "2013" instead of, "2012" I had to change to, "2014."

This year I didn't write a list of resolutions, but I have decided to write more; I'll try do post on my blog more, I've started keeping a diary and I'm going to start a scrapbook. Also I will try to be better at replying to emails!

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