Wednesday 6 November 2013


I'm not very good at juggling. I've tried a few times, but not only am I not that good/ patient at it, but it isn't that fun either. Neither is figurative juggling. What I mean  by figurative juggling is when you have to try and do lots of things, some that are, "Fun," some that are, "Educational" and some that are, "Both fun and educational."But you have to try and balance them out, make sure that you aren't doing too much of one thing and not enough of the other. It's hard. What's worst is when you totally forget about one thing that you wanted to get  good at, like drumming or learning French, and you've just got really stuck into Spanish and guitar - and then you have to decide whether you want to cut down your Spanish/ guitar time and do more French/ drumming (Which isn't fun because remember, you're really into Spanish and guitar at the moment) or focus on what you're already doing and only do a bit of drumming + French. Which might work for a while, till you decide that actually if you want to get anywhere with French you're going to have to do way more than you're doing at the moment. And then you begin to think, "Which is actually more important? Language or music? If I just did music, would I get a job? Would I miss out on a, '*Proper Education*'?"If you dump languages you are missing out on quite a few possible future jobs. Same with dumping music. But is it actually all about jobs? What about your current interests? Then you have to think about the other things you've got to do (Like science, maths, art and whatever your other interests are) and try to fit them in (Not doing too much of one thing and too little of another.) So you have to prioritise, which is a lot harder than you think, and you have to remember to give yourself breaks.

You see what I mean about juggling?

It is really hard for me right now because there are so many things that I like doing, and I don't want to give anything up!

What I'm hoping won't happen is having to drop certain hobbies/ subjects in preparation for exams (I don't have to do exams but I want to) and then having to try get back into them after exams are over - without totally forgetting everything I learnt for the exams.

So it is rather difficult, and I am hoping that I won't have to stop doing any classes!

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