Monday 3 September 2012


Yesterday my family and I came back from a homeschool camp in Wales.

The camp, WEHEC (Wales Environmental Home Education Camp), didn't really have talks about homeschooling like I thought it would, but most of the people there were homeschoolers. There were lots of activities instead, like making sock monkeys, which I regret not doing; art workshops with painting, drawing and sculpting; going on swingboats and finally, circus skills. There were other activities, too, but I didn't do all of them, so my favourite is the art workshops. The instructor was stressed, because  it was her first time running the art activities, but I liked her because she was enthusiastic all the time.

Last year we went to a Unicorn camp, also in Wales, and we made friends with a toddler who is really sweet and can talk extremely well for her age. Anyway, because we were in Wales, we decided to meet up with her family, so we went to their house. When we saw the girl, she was so much bigger than she had been before, and she could talk way more. I was really surprised at how much she had grown and I was very happy to see her. We played hide and seek with her, and helped her dad pick potatoes. We also bought a few things from her mum's shop.

In the evenings we sat by the fire chatting. We talked with one woman who revealed a Derren Brown trick to us, but I'm not going to write down how to do it on this blog because it's a secret. We also talked to two boys, and one of them said he spoke Welsh with his mum at home, which surprised me because I didn't know people still spoke it. The boys taught us a rude word in Welsh, which he said he looked up in the dictionary when we asked him how we knew it.

At WEHEC I made some bracelets out of inner tubes from cars. I'm wearing two of them now and trying to remember how I made them. I know the method is difficult, but I think that if I can remember how to do it, I can practice and be really good.

On the last night we watched a performance made by some of the"big kids", which basically means the kids aged ten and over. It was soooo good, and I think that if we go to WEHEC next year, I'd like to participate in the big kids' play.  This year it was about children being turned into zombies and forced to make trainers for a company called Madidas.

I hope we go to WEHEC next year. I prefer it to Unicorn camp 'cos it's smaller, so you get to know more people, and also because there aren't activities every second of the day that you feel like you have to attend so you get loads of free time.

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