Wednesday 12 October 2011

Math Books

Recently I started doing lots more Maths than I used to do. It's really difficult because I have 30 minutes to do a paper and I find it hard to do the questions in that time. Mum just tells me to do what I can and then I do the rest and we mark the ones that I did after the time runs out. At school Maths is difficult too because we are learning a new way to do division which is harder. I think it's because some people might find the old way hard and this will make them understand the questions easier, but for me it's the other round, and I get bored and frustrated because it seems to be a more complicated way with more steps.

As I have been doing more Maths at home, I am finding it slightly easier overall. We used "Maths Curse" and "The Adventures of Penrose" and they make things more interesting because there is a story  and as you read on, you learn a little bit about how numbers work in a certain way, and some theories that we don't normally know about. We've also got a book called Secrets of Mental Maths that has got tricks to impress. We don't use this book very much it's hidden on the bookshelf but I think it's quite cool.

There is also this book on our shelf for 11-14 year-olds and I've been scared if it for the past few years of my life because the stuff at the back of the books look really hard about formulae. A few days ago, I started it and I am finding it easier than I thought.

My dad told me about a famous puzzle called The Seven Bridges of Königsberg  that no one can work out the answer to because I think there is no answer to it. But it's fun working it out or trying to work it out.

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