My mum made up just made up this rule that everyone in our family has to cook something new each week. When I went to the library I had a look at some cookery books there, but one of them, I accidentally put back, and the other, I wasn't allowed to borrow because it was from the adult's section. So I was stuck with cookery books from home - which isn't actually bad because my mum has a lot of cookery books and the recipes are good.
The books are on a high shelf. I have to stand on the counter to reach them. So I stood for ages looking for a suitable recipe: one that we had the ingredients for, sounded yummy, and wasn't too complicated or time consuming. I looked for ages, resting the heavy cookery books half on my hands and half on my knee, and trying not to fall off the very crowded counter - or knock down the mug stand.
In the end I decided on a recipe that (Surprisingly) we had most of the ingredients for - and the ingredients are quite unusual. If we didn't make sushi a lot they wouldn't be in our kitchen. The only thing that was missing was avocado; my mum went out to buy that when she found out we needed it.
When the cooking counter was clear, I began cooking.
I will now explain what I was cooking. It was from a book called, "Super Natural Cooking" by, "Heidi Swanson." Have you ever tried sushi? The dish was a bit like that. I cooked some brown sushi rice (With a lot of salt), and
made a sauce for it.
Brown sushi rice boiling |
The sauce was made up of sugar, rice vinegar, soya sauce, orange zest and juice squeezed from the orange. You needed lemon zest and juice too but there wasn't lemon in the fridge so I used more orange. Actually, we didn't have normal oranges either: just these teeny-tiny sweet, peel-able
clementine-type things.
Orange sauce for the rice simmering |
So I added the sauce to the rice and stirred it. You were meant to fry some tofu to have with the rice, but we didn't have the right kind of tofu so my mum made a miso soup with the tofu instead.
And to make up for not having tofu with the rice, I took some leftover fish fried in miso sauce that my dad had made a few days earlier, and put that on top of the rice - which I had put into four bowls. Next to the rice, was next placed some avocado, and next to that, spring onion. On top of the rice, was sprinkled some nori (Dried seaweed) which I had crisped and crumbled up earlier.
Dried nori (After being crisped and crumbled) |
I then sprinkled some sesame seeds on top of everything in the bowls.
We ate everything with some miso soup (In mugs) and some rolled sushi (Which wasn't really sushi 'coz it didn't have sushi sauce and the rice wasn't sushi rice) - oh yeah, and some sweet soya sauce, cucumber and pickled ginger.
An early dinner |
An early dinner pictured again! |
The leftovers got turned into more sushi (After the normal rice sushi was eaten) |
Mmm... |
That was yummy!